Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Laundry Room

Time to Wash!
Searching for the perfect laundry room or thinking of building or renovating one? To me the perfect laundry room consists of a large capacity washer and dryer and a large sink to hand wash or soak items. I also like plenty of cabinet space for bleach, fabric sheets, softeners and detergent. The extra space is needed for items like paper towels and household supplies. A laundry room is not just for washing, in many cases you need an area for clothes baskets, to hang clothes or to store extra towels and linens. Somewhere to fold up a load of clothes like a long counter is a dream for many. The size is just as important as design. There are so many ways you can design your laundry room whether dressed up or dressed down to resemble your local laundromat---it's your choice! Have you ever thought about having a combination laundry room and mud room? You can tell that the laundry rooms below are an extension of the home and resemble the home's personality. Many people neglect their laundry rooms and don't consider it part of their home and as a result the laundry room is cold, barren place---don't let this happen to you! With the inspirations below now yours won't be! Scroll down to see my favorite laundry rooms...



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